How TRAI and Airtel Fail to Stop Rogue Telemarketers

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How TRAI and Airtel Fail to Stop Rogue Telemarketers. Photo: RMN News Service
How TRAI and Airtel Fail to Stop Rogue Telemarketers. Photo: RMN News Service


By Rakesh Raman

As this case of telecrime and criminal mobile assault against me is continuing, I will keep reporting about it on this webpage. All those who believe in the fundamental rights of people are urged to support me in this crusade against telecriminals.

Note (November 10, 2024): With repeated complaints to Airtel, I have been struggling to get the spam calls stopped on my mobile phone. However, Airtel has failed miserably to provide relief to me. 

Although Airtel is doing exaggerated publicity for its “Suspected Spam” service, it is not yet stable and Airtel keeps making excuses about other rival networks and its inability to stop international spam calls.

I had complained to the TRAI, Department of Telecommunications, and the Cyber Crime Cell of Delhi Police, but all these government departments are full of careless bureaucrats who keep thriving on public money and do not resolve public grievances.

Thus, I am a victim of this utter lawlessness in the country. As the mobile infrastructure is completely polluted here, the global businesses should not invest and start their operations in India.

I will keep updating this webpage as the case progresses.

Rakesh Raman

Unsolicited Call Records

Dear Airtel Team, Thanks for your emails and phone calls during the past couple of days. The unsolicited calls have not yet stopped, although you said you have taken some steps to protect my phone number. I repeat if you do not take a legal / punitive action against these unscrupulous elements including their imprisonment, this telecrime will persist. 

Also, identify the owners of these calling outfits and display their names along with their businesses prominently on the Airtel website under the title “Rogue Telecallers”. As you had required, please find below the recent unsolicited calls that I received.

YEAR 2025

+919654124335 [ Prerecorded 13.03.25 17:12 p.m. Subject: Sell Old Car ]

Now, the criminal telecallers have changed their modus operandi. In this particular call, to hoodwink me, the name Shashi Aggarwal was displayed on my mobile instead of a phone number. 

As I have limited time with me, I do not report all the unsolicited calls to Airtel. Since the spam calls are not stopping, please take the steps mentioned below to combat this menace.

Rakesh Raman

+919873029285 [ Prerecorded 22.01.25 14:34 p.m. Subject: Shops Sales ]

+911297138178 [ Prerecorded 06.01.25 15:28 p.m. Subject: Luxury Project ]

YEAR 2024

+919811325987 [ Prerecorded 12.12.24 11:02 a.m. Subject: Shops Rental ]

+919643003829 [ Prerecorded 03.12.24 10:35 a.m. Subject: Medical Treatment ]

+87003206433 [ Prerecorded 02.12.24 16:41 p.m. Subject: Parcel Delivery ]

+917669185336 [ Prerecorded 30.11.24 16:00 p.m. Subject: Security Device ]

+918670769582 [ Prerecorded 13.11.24 14:01 p.m. Subject: Packet Delivery ]

+13478444466 [ Voice Call 10.11.24 09:37 a.m. Subject: Job Offer ]

+917935252589 [ Prerecorded 04.11.24 18:10 p.m. Subject: Commercial Shops ]

Airtel informs me that Jio has provided wrong information regarding an unsolicited call. On November 1, 2024, I received the following message from Airtel.

Hi, we could not action your complaint registered via Reference No.CDRGP3DEL20240921712288, dated 21-09-2024 regarding unsolicited commercial communication on your Airtel number because the defaulting telemarketer belongs to JIO and response received from the concerned operator is Incomplete/incorrect info.”

+9197852163108 [ Prerecorded 30.10.24 12:33 p.m. Subject: Mobile Complaint ]

+917935252567 [ Prerecorded 23.10.24 13:04 p.m. Subject: Commercial Shops ]

+7234918957 [ Prerecorded 21.10.24 11:26 a.m. Subject: Part-time Job ]

+917935252550 [ Prerecorded 19.10.24 17:35 p.m. Subject: Commercial Shops ]

+919811238515 [ Prerecorded 19.10.24 12:40 p.m. Subject: Luxury Homes ]

+919811246236 [ Prerecorded 15.10.24 10:38 a.m. Subject: Luxury Apartments ]

+917314594487 [ Prerecorded 12.10.24 10:58 a.m. Subject: Property Sales ]

+87200008474 [ Prerecorded 05.10.24 15:44 p.m. Subject: My Phone Service Disconnection Warning ]

91-9263341177 [ Prerecorded 05.10.24 14:59 p.m. Subject: I think this call directs to the FedEx Courier call (91-9237550535) that I reported today 05.10.24 11:32 a.m. ]

91-9237550535 [ Voice Call 05.10.24 11:32 a.m. Subject: FedEx Courier ]

The caller from 91-9237550535 disconnected the line abruptly.

91-9631176464 [ Voice Call 29.09.24 13:21 p.m. Subject: PNB MetLife ]

In this case (91-9631176464), when I asked the caller why he is disturbing me with this spam call, he misbehaved with me and called me “hyper” because I refused to talk to him. Take strict action against this unruly caller.

91-9244583596 [ Prerecorded 21.09.24 10:54 a.m. Subject: Unclear ]

91-9311145800 [ Voice Call 18.09.24 17:58 p.m. Subject: Diamond / Jewellery Sales ]

+13057123560 [ Prerecorded 18.09.24 10:21 a.m. Subject: Part-time Job ]

91-7315118302 [ Prerecorded 17.09.24 19:05 p.m. Subject: Trade Payment from a Website ]

The previous case report is given below.

Rakesh Raman

How TRAI and Airtel Fail to Stop Rogue Telemarketers

As I am constantly being attacked everyday by the unsolicited calls and messages on my mobile phone made by some unscrupulous telemarketers, I sent the following representation to TRAI, Secretary (Telecom), Airtel CEO, and Delhi Police. But the perpetrators of telecrime have not yet been caught and punished.

By Rakesh Raman

To                                                                                                                August 28, 2024

The Chairman
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)
New Delhi 

Secretary (Telecom)
Department of Telecommunications
Ministry of Communication, Government of India
New Delhi

Mr. Gopal Vittal
CEO, Airtel
New Delhi 

Delhi Police Cyber Crime Cell 

Subject: Complaint against unsolicited commercial communications / phone calls with the appeal to take punitive action against the rogue telemarketers and get me compensated by them for the constant mental disturbance inflicted upon me which is causing major health complications and professional loss to me.

Complaint by: Rakesh Raman, who is a journalist and human rights defender

Dear Authorities,

I am a government’s national award winning journalist and founder of the humanitarian organization RMN Foundation in New Delhi. I run various environment protection, human rights protection, education awareness, and anti-corruption campaigns, and publish digital magazines and research reports on different subjects.

I have also worked with the United Nations (UN) through the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as a digital media expert to help businesses use technology for brand marketing and business development.

Please refer to the subject stated above of this complaint. I am constantly being attacked everyday by the unsolicited calls and messages on my mobile phone (9810319059) made by some unscrupulous telemarketers. They want to sell me everything from a herbal remedy to reduce my weight, to oil that can help me grow my hair, to pesticides that can quickly kill insects in my home, to luxurious flats at cheap rates, to bank loans on easy terms, and whatnot.

I do not need any of the items for which these unruly telemarketers infiltrate my mobile phone and blatantly breach my privacy. As a journalist, I have been independently running multiple news sites for the past 12 years and carry out major activities as a social activist to help the vulnerable sections of the society. In order to complete my work, I have to spend on average 15 hours everyday without any break while I work alone. 

However, I am not able to focus on my work because I keep getting unsolicited calls and messages on my mobile phone throughout the day. The callous callers do not spare me even when I am sick. My professional requirements do not allow me to switch off my mobile phone or keep marking dozens of daily unwanted calls as spam. I also cannot afford to keep reporting about these cruel calls to TRAI, my telecom service provider Airtel, or other authorities as it will consume a lot of my time and resources. 

Moreover, the DND (Do Not Disturb) option that I tried is totally ineffective as the callers keep changing the phone numbers frequently. The calls that I get are not only direct voice calls but there is also a surfeit of prerecorded calls or robocalls which keep my mobile phone busy from dawn to dusk. I have given below a sample list of unsolicited calls that I received during the past few days, while I get a slew of such calls everyday.


91-8042307736 [ Prerecorded 18.08.24 12:53 p.m. ]
91-7313755648 [ Prerecorded 18.08.24 15:91 p.m. ]
91-7971922579 [ Prerecorded 19.08.24 11:08 a.m. ]
91-8585914964 [ Prerecorded 21.08.24 10:34 a.m. ]
91-7315112405 [ Prerecorded 21.08.24 17:18 p.m. ]
91-1297137718 [ Prerecorded 21.08.24 17:51 p.m. ]
91-7971693446 [ Prerecorded 22.08.24 18:21 p.m. ]
91-9355573039 [ Prerecorded 23.08.24 12:14 p.m. ]
91-9667662775 [ Prerecorded 23.08.24 12:49 p.m. ]
91-9315715530 [ Voice Call     23.08.24 14:57 p.m. ]
91-9315715530 [ Repeat Voice Call 23.08.24 15:07 p.m. ]
91-9643341927 [ Voice Call 25.08.24 16:12 p.m. ]
91-1414573210 [ Prerecorded 26.08.24 12:20 p.m. ]
91-7313724707 [ Prerecorded 26.08.24 12:29 p.m. ]
91-7313724837 [ Prerecorded 26.08.24 18:18 p.m. ]
91-9354996905 [ Voice Call 27.08.24 11:24 a.m. ]

Also, the banks, telecom service providers, and other utility service providers virtually force you to install their mobile apps on your device. Then they keep sending you messages with louder beeps even when you do not need any of them. These callers have no right to call me and disturb my peace. While they are deliberately disturbing me, they are committing a serious crime which needs to be punished by the law-enforcement agencies in the country.

I have visited the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) webpage on “Unsolicited Commercial Communication (UCC)” to get some relief for the persisting agony that I have been facing. Alas, the TRAI’s UCC webpage is full of redundant, convoluted, and confusing wordiness which disappointed me completely.

On this webpage, the TRAI is preaching everything to the poor consumer like me instead of taking a legal action against the perpetrators of telecrime who deliberately disturb the mobile users. As an analogy, TRAI is asking people to protect their belongings themselves instead of punishing the thieves.

I gather from my painful experience that TRAI and my telecom service provider Airtel are not willing to tackle the unsolicited call menace which is spreading like a pandemic disease. Thus, it can be deduced that TRAI and Airtel are complicit in this crime as they want to promote their commercial interests unscrupulously. 

As a result of this criminal telemarketing enterprise growing around me, I am experiencing a breach of my privacy, an adverse impact on my health, and a significant professional loss as I am not able to work properly for my editorial and social responsibilities.


In view of the facts stated above, I urge TRAI, Airtel, police, and other authorities to take the following action.

  1. Identify all the rogue telemarketers – including those in the list that I have provided above – and start criminal proceedings against them for the violation of privacy laws and disturbing the peace and tranquility in the living environment of citizens. 
  2. Prosecute rogue telemarketers for the violation of Article 21 of the Constitution of India which gives every citizen the right to live in a peaceful environment. The violation of Article 21 amounts to the violation of citizens’ fundamental / human rights.
  3. Put the names of the rogue commercial callers and their employers on the TRAI website prominently so that customers should stop any business dealings with them. 
  4. Create a robust backend technology infrastructure to immediately detect unsolicited calls to prohibit and exclude them from the telecom network transparently.
  5. TRAI should direct the rogue telecallers and Airtel to compensate me for the professional loss that I am suffering. The compensation amount can be decided by TRAI.
  6. Allow mobile users to forward the unsolicited calls instantly to the TRAI or telecom service providers with the help of a feature on mobile phones. Each rogue caller thus identified must pay a fine of, say, Rs. 10,000 for each call to the TRAI and a part of this money should be paid to the called person as compensation. The miscreants who repeat the offences must be imprisoned. 
  7. Provide me with any other relief that I deserve as a harassed mobile phone user.

Note: Please send me your response by September 2, 2024. If I do not get a satisfactory response, I will make this complaint public on my news sites and digital magazines and take other steps to seek justice.

Thank You


Rakesh Raman
Editor, RMN News Service [ Website ]
Founder, RMN Foundation [ Website ]
463, DPS Apts., Plot No. 16, Sector 4
Dwarka, Phase I, New Delhi 110 078, India
WhatsApp / Mobile: 9810319059 | Contact by Email

Rakesh Raman

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